프리미어 아카이브

新作公開配信 DJ Hënkį 映像製作費【5000円寄付】

시청 기한: 구매 후 7일간

아카이브 (1건)


Hënkį(るんるん主義的スオ民の集い / 和刻)

seiji animaminimal氏が主催するパーティ"Funland Disco" にて、初めてSuomiというジャンルを知る。すっかり虜になり、自ら発信したいという気持ちが生まれ、Seiji氏に『SuomiのDJやりたいです!』と懇願したところ、まずは曲を持ってくるよう言われ、サブスク世代の私は何がなにやらで 持っていませんと答え、そのナメた姿勢が運良く気に入られ 現在弟子としてるんるんスオ民増殖中。

映像制作:合同会社TALKING BOX

I would like to ask for donations from all of you for the production of this video.
I would like to collaborate with various artists in video production.
If you purchase this item, we will cover the studio rental fee, shooting equipment, accessories, etc. for video production costs. Thank you for your support.

At the party "Funland Disco" hosted by seiji animaminimal, I learned about the Suomi genre for the first time. He was completely captivated by him, and felt that he wanted to send out information himself. ', I was told to bring a song first, and I answered that I didn't have it for some reason because I was in the subscribing generation.

티켓 구매

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新作公開配信 DJ Hënkį 映像製作費【5000円寄付】 5,000 엔(세금 포함)
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